Generally speaking, most people know on some level that learning to play a musical instrument is good for you. However, it's not as well understood just how good it can be!
Generally speaking, most people know on some level that learning to play a musical instrument is good for you. However, it's not as well understood just how good it can be! There are numerous benefits to learning an instrument:
Learning the value of hard work and discipline
Learning how to problem solve when working through challenges
Growing in patience when certain tasks don’t come as easily
Overcoming barriers through repetition and intentional practice
Focusing on tangible goals that will nurture confidence and self-esteem
Becoming more comfortable performing in front of an audience
These are some of the commonly known virtues of playing music. A lesser known benefit is just how much playing a musical instrument affects the brain. This video definitely opened my eyes to some new things I didn’t know before! Just one more compelling reason to start learning today!